I am a software engineer 36 years old. I am having a tingling sensation in my right hand and thumb numbness also. It gets worse at night or morning especially. Any suggestion as it is affecting my work?
My query is related to gastro. whenever I eat breakfast after a few minutes I have to rush to the washroom.I don't know why but it happens with breakfast or whenever I take tea. Should I start taking omeprazole? Should I take it before meal or afterwards
I had C-section and my baby is one year old now. I breastfeed her. I am having knee and back pain. I feel exhausted at the end of the day. I do the chores of the house mostly by myself. Should I visit a doc or just take vitamins? Also, suggest the vitamins to take if you recommend them.
My father is having pain in his tooth when he chews food. His gum is red and swollen. He also feels a liquid ooze out when he is eating. He also had fever recently. Do know if it is related or not. What should we do?
My baby boy is 5 years old. He used to walk on toes when he started walking and after a while, he started to walk on whole feet. Now he has quite falling related accidents. And he can not sleep at night due to fatigue in legs unless we massage him. Is this normal around this age or is it some weakness??
My nephew 5 year old complained about stomach pain some days ago. We took him to the hospital where they gave him painkiller injection and drip. His pain and fever did not go away. After some days we visited the doctor. He diagnosed him with typhoid and gave antibiotics. His health is still not improving. Any advice on what treatment should we take?
Asking for my daughter. She had sore and red skin near the nose. I thought it was because of cold weather and applied moisturizer. Now they have developed into blisters like. What should I do?
Recently I noted a dark area under my armpit. The skin color was changed around where the skin folds. I use insulin for my diabetes. And also trying to lose weight as I am overweight at present. What can I do for this skin change? Also is it a condition which spreads?
Asking for my grandmother. She recently noticed a piece/ lump under her tongue. Her voice has changed and became somewhat rough. Is it something alarming and what should we do?
I had TURP treatment about a month ago. Now I find difficulty in urinating and does not feel fully empty even after going washroom. I want to know is this because I am not healed after surgery or should I seek treatment for it?
I am a male in my sixties. Now and then I loss sensation at my tips of fingers of right hand & foot. Sometimes I do not remember what I was supposed to do like I go into my room for something and forget for which thing I came for. I feel tired most of the time. Please guide what should I do?
I am a working woman in my twenties. I am overdue on my period. I am on a weight loss regime. I exercise 20-30 mins a day in the gym and has reduced my food intake. I do not take any weight loss pills. Why is this happening? Please guide…
Asking for my brother 17 years old. We noticed his shoulder somewhat uneven. X-rays showed S-shaped spine. We have been observing his curve for about two months and it is increasing. The doctor told that surgery is to be done only when the spine affects organs or nerves. I don't want to be too late so kindly give your opinion. What can I do for him?
Female age 28. I am two and a half month pregnant. I am on duphaston and Myfol. Now recently doc added loprine in the list. But in the back, it's written that this contradicts with pregnancy. My fetal pole is ok but hcg was low in the report. Should I take it or not?
I am stressed a lot because of my excess workload. Recently I was laying when I had pain in my chest. It was tender so I thought it was a muscle pull. It went away eventually. But now I had the same thing happened again. What test should I take to know what's going on? I am worried about heart attack so kindly reply at the soonest.
I had a cold few weeks back. The cold is cured but my throat is not. I still cough a lot and clear my throat. There is also phlegm when I cough. There is also strain like a pain in my throat. This is affecting my life as I have to talk with clients. I did take regular cough syrups but they were not of any help. What should I do?
I am trying to lose my weight for about some time but it is not decreasing. I eat very little and also do walking. Now I feel tired/weak all the time and somewhat depressed by this. I am trying natural ways of weight lose. I wanted to ask you can there be some other reason due to which I am not losing weight like some hormonal? If so please tell about the test to rule them out.
Asking for my father 67 years old. After treatment for hepatitis c his PCR test came negative but now we did PCR again and it showed positive. Doc is suggesting antiviral therapy. He is a bit weak in health. What is your recommendation?
I am a mother of one year old. He is on formula and recently begins spitting. He does not eat properly. He also throws up his food. Sometimes there is some yellowish fluid in his vomit. Should he be given medication only or some test should be done? Please guide.
Recently my mother started using omeprazole for her reflexes. She had mild arthritis in her right knee. Now she complains about her knee being in pain more frequently. She also has fastened heart beats occasionally. My question is should she carry the medicine or stop it? And is there any other medication you recommend in place of omeprazole?